Umm.. What?! How!?

bordingbob’s Party – Users: BakanoKaze, BakanoKaze

OK, Back in 2016, I joined a PSN Party chat TWICE!! It would appear that I was Playing Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 V Generation on the PS4.. but it’s not on the PS4. I’m actually playing Destiny on the PS4, and Re;birth3 on the Vita.

So how? I’m actually testing out that I can enter the fact I could join the same PSN Party on two Devices at the same time.. Due to a Change PS4 Parties in 2019, this is no longer Possible.

So My Vita is the top one, and my PS4 in the bottom one. As for the cats, it’s actually a Part of Vita Users customisation options. The Avatar is from a free Final Fantasy avatar thing that was around in 2016, I’m not sure if it’s still available.