
Look, plumber’s crack!

Wait a mo! Didn’t I say I missed this one a some time back? I thought I did, back in March!

I however did manage to Snap it. The issue was the PS Vita’s Snap Feature requires a two button press: “PS+Start.” I got it wrong around this time and the game skipped the cut scene as it thought I pressed Start. So I thought I didn’t even get this one.

While Rachet VA got replaced after first game, this game features the old VA, not the new one which I was half expecting given the HD remaster status.

How did I do this?

Nightmare Hunt: Fear – Nightmare Hunts Completed 1/3

I can hear you asking – How the heck did I get progress on this?

Simple: Cross-Save and PS4.

The Long answer: I own Shadowkeep on PS4, and I’d one one of the three Nightmare hunts. As I didn’t own Shadowkeep on PC, and I can not access any Shadowkeep activity. This is a PC Screen shot, and was taken and uploaded to Steam on the 28th October 2019.

(I now own all DLC on both PC and PS4, so this doesn’t bother me too much at this time.)

Mr. Bubbles?

Mr Bubbles

This is one half of a reference to BioShock 1. One of the iconic Enemies is “Big Daddy”, which often followed by a Little Sister Character. One or two of the Little Sister Characters will call the “Big Daddy” Mr Bubbles.

Lil’ Sis

And there she is.

This is hidden in Captain Scarlet DLC of Borderlands 2. This is one of the oldest Screen shots I’ve been able to find, taken just after 3:30 am on the 22 October 2012. I’m surprised I could get the dates from the Uploaded Steam screenshots from multiple PCs ago.